Continuing on the theme of disruption in today's business, the book No Ordinary Disruption from the McKinsey consulting firm outlines four broad trends that are going to change the world over the coming decades:
- Urbanisation and how that will drive a growth of middle class in places where that class didn't before exist, bringing with it a growth in discretionary income. Just look towards China and India's exponential growth as an example.
- Accelerating technological change and how that speed of change is overturning today's status quo of business. (To hear more about this, check out Episode 2 with the book The Second Machine Age)
- Aging population and demographic shifts that may possibly lead to a shortage of workforce in the current economic powerhouses such as Europe and the US.
- Global flows and how much more of the world's economy will come from places that we currently don't consider economically significant, which is a trend that is largely driven by the accessibility of technology and digital information.