There are countless Hollywood movies about robots taking over the world, and we are in an age where we can easily imagine robots in many and all types of industries, from manufacturing to aged care facilities and even in the investment and advice space. But a really interesting piece is how the introduction of robots and artificial intelligence has changed the make-up of the management team, their changing roles from being people managers to systems and process managers. Robotics, automation and artificial intelligence will also have a huge impact in professional services, where the service that someone like a lawyer or an accountant will be accessible automatically through digitisation.
​What this all means is that, in the not-so-distant future, there will lots of jobs that we think are jobs for life that may no longer exist and there will be new unimaginable job opportunities. Listen for more on how to find opportunity in the inevitable change through the automation of the workforce.
​What this all means is that, in the not-so-distant future, there will lots of jobs that we think are jobs for life that may no longer exist and there will be new unimaginable job opportunities. Listen for more on how to find opportunity in the inevitable change through the automation of the workforce.